

墨菲’s commitment to sustainability extends in many directions. 多年来, 我们在绿色创新方面享有盛誉, 冒险, 这在我们的行业中是独一无二的. 柯克费舍尔, 首席执行官兼总裁, is a strong advocate for good corporate citizenship and continues to be a thought leader in the use of Green technologies in business.


A 墨菲 campus is immediately recognized for the native prairie grasses, 我们周围的花草树木. In fact, many of our neighbors lovingly refer to us as “the company with all the flowers.”

Our native prairies create a natural buffer between surrounding neighborhoods, hiding large warehouse buildings and reducing industrial noise. 除了美学, native prairies are often the first and most powerful step in maintaining an environmentally friendly site. 消除了草坪维护的需要, 协助雨水管理, 固碳与土壤保持.

Our customers see the benefit of our prairies through our reduced operating costs. 谈谈绿色!


墨菲 has a comprehensive recycling program, from our offices to the warehouse floor. 每年, we recycle about two tons of paper – enough to save 30 trees – and approximately 150,000磅纸板. 我们还回收了30多个,000磅的塑料瓶, cans and glass each year from bins around our offices and break rooms, 我们经常重新利用和再利用办公家具. On the industrial side, truck batteries and air brakes are recycled at a 1:1 ratio. We also recycle oil, wooden pallets, plastic air bags and light bulbs.


墨菲 uses environmentally friendly goods in the daily operation of our business. These items range from Rainforest Alliance certified tea and free trade coffee, 回收的办公用纸和家具, 到100%回收的入口垫, 有机淀粉包装花生, “绿色”洗面奶和去油, 等.


墨菲’s drive toward environmental suitability has effectively made some of our sites carbon neutral.  在墨菲的弗里德利物流校区, the 14 acres of native prairie and tree plantings alone retain more than 142 MtCO2e** 每年. 换句话说,5.1 million pounds of carbon have been captured and recycled by the company’s landscaping since 1996. 从原始草原恢复到太阳能发电, 墨菲正面管理其碳足迹. Our customers also benefit and can claim our carbon management toward their own environmental certification efforts.



多年来, 墨菲 has upgraded lighting systems at our logistics campuses in favor of more energy efficient technology, 包括LED照明. Known for its unparalleled energy efficiency and versatility, LED technology is ideal for use both inside and outside the warehouse. 我们新的伊根物流园区完全用led照明, making it the largest building in the Midwest equipped with LED lighting. 外部照明也很独特, as these LEDs are designed to operate at 20-25 percent of their luminosity at night. In the event of a driver arriving for a night-time pick-up or delivery, 或者是侵入现场, 运动传感器使灯光达到100%. 


墨菲 has installed Minnesota-made solar panels and power systems** at five of our logistics campuses. 我们产生320千瓦的能量, making 墨菲 the third largest generator of solar energy in Minnesota, 也是唯一一家自己生产太阳能的私营公司. 这些独特的太阳能电池板, 由明尼苏达州的tenKsolar公司制造, 占买球用什么正规app屋顶面积不到百分之二, yet generate more than 50 percent of the power used by the facility, 所有多余的电力都被输送到电网. 我们将节省下来的能源成本回馈给客户.


墨菲 has installed storm water management systems at several of our logistics campuses to mitigate the flow of precipitation from entering municipal water systems. Logistics campuses are highly developed spaces with a number of paved surfaces that resist water. 结果是, 雨水, melting snow and other precipitation can run offsite into municipal storm water systems, 在很多情况下, 导致环境影响费. 墨菲 has invested in an ecologically friendly solution to handle this problem by installing holding ponds, 保留盆地, 许多地方都有雨水花园和原生草原. These systems improve water quality and recharge ground water. Our customers benefit as we reduce our operational costs by eliminating environmental impact fees.

ISO 14001

墨菲 is one of approximately 50 Minnesota firms to attain ISO 14001 certification of its logistics campuses. Administered through the International Organization for Standardization, the certification recognizes organizations that implement and manage an effective environmental management system (EMS). 墨菲通过建立, 实施和改善环境管理体系, and then developing an accountability system to ensure that requirements are met. We work to maintain sustainable practices through the ISO certification process, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability to our customers, 行业和社区.


在接下来的十年里, government mandates and/or industry standards will require businesses to implement sustainable business practices. 作为这项工作的获奖领导者, 墨菲 is pleased to consult with businesses interested in exploring this transition. We often consult with our customers and business partners on launching their own sustainability initiatives, and we are experienced in developing solutions and budgets that can initiate the process. 买球用什么正规app 了解更多有关我们的环保顾问服务.


Many 墨菲 campuses have been awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold and Silver, which certifies that these sites are operating in an environmentally sustainable manner, 包括能源管理, pollution and emissions mitigation and storm water management.

由美国创建.S. 绿色建筑委员会, the LEED program is an internationally recognized certification system for buildings, 住宅和社区的设计, 构造, maintained and operated for improved environmental and human health performance.

Our LEED certified buildings enable us to operate in an environmentally sustainable way, but our customers also achieve their best practices and sustainability goals as well.